Monday, May 3, 2010

James, from Terminex

I had a great conversation with our new serviceman this morning. I noticed his name and asked him if his mom happened to be a Christian (just b/c of the book of James...I love asking people about their names :). He said that at the time she wasn't a Christian but now she was...that actually the midwife had named him! Then I asked him if he knew the Lord... to my surprise, not only did he, but he was an amazingly wise man.

Things we talked about:
Prison ministry
His church (I want to call and make some contacts b/c they've got such great ministries going on)
Francis Chan and how God is moving people
Education- the goal is discipleship---not to get a good education so you can buy a big house and have more comfort
Amais walk
The importance of not sending your children out to a school where you don't want stuff brought back in
Relational evangelism
Laboring in the kindom

This man had such a strong presence of the Lord. He was solid and stout in stature, but also this was a picture of his relationship with Christ. He was an encouragement to me that the Spirit of God dwells EVERYWHERE...Christ is FAITHFUL to His bride and is working all throughout the world, through all peoples and establishing men to follow hard after Him, men empowered and full of His Holy Spirit! "He who walks with wise men will be wise"...i hope to find out more about how to do some things alongside with the ministries of his church!

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